About Me!

I am an assistant professor in the College of Pharmacy, University of Manitoba. I am supported by a Patient-Oriented Research Awards - Transition to Leadership Stream award from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, which supports emerging leaders in patient-oriented research.

I apply participatory approaches to the design and conduct of research focused on patient and care partner-identified priorities and outcomes, and that engages patients, caregivers, and other end-users as active members of the research team. I also study the methods that underlie this work. I care deeply about the social aspects of clinical and health services research, but also have a background in biostatistics. Thus, I prefer to use mixed-methods approaches that are both grounded in people’s experiences and supported by hard data. I am always open to exploring collaborations and consulting opportunities that seek to integrate patient and care partner perspectives as drivers of the research, so don’t hesitate to contact me.

Anna M. Chudyk